Saturday, May 30, 2009
our new nurse
since she's always hds fever so we decided to buy electronic ear thermometer...
according to my sister (she's a dentist, not paed), electronic ear thermometer is the most accurate and fastest way to take infant's temperature...
besides, it comes with slow music that can calm the infants...
i bought @ Cosway, Rm 99 plus coupon... n.p. Rm 170
Electronic ear thermometers measure the tympanic temperature — the temperature inside the ear canal. Although they're quick and easy to use in older babies and children, electronic ear thermometers aren't as accurate for infants 3 months or younger as digital thermometers and are more expensive.
sakinah's wedding
married to faez a.k.a tok moh, her college-mate
she's my best fren for years, when both of us at primary school...
both of us share so many things and stories together...
not excluded our relationship wif guy...
not talk about gosip @ skandal, but more on opinion and what the best husband-to-be?
insya Allah both of us NOW are married to our dreaming guys :? yeke?
Monday, May 18, 2009
having my own business
Y?? to generate more income :)
anyone get any idea???
lots of my frenzz plus mr.R has their own business...
and it's good things as it is free and reachable...
my 1st experience with the internet was sold raina's milk bottle - 1 8oz +2 4oz avent and my ring sling @ mudah...
and it works...
i put the advertisement @ 4pm and 1st buyer sms me @ 6pm...
or maybe bcoz the letgo thingy quite cheap...
but still reasonable to me bcoz i bought them at discounted price :)
well, before this i sold prepaid @ college, UKM and managed to earn RM600 per semester...
quite a number for student at that time...
then, start work and jatuh chenta same manik so ambik upah beading...
get no official class, just learn it from book and internet...
not to forget, provide free beading course to my housemate and officemate heheh...
oso can earn more than hundred per month BUT it needs a lot of time since we've to focus and it makes me more rabunzzz...
but now, mr.R said that ambik upah jahit manik currently not worth it as it will take big time plus we oredi having raina and want to spend time wif her...
so the point here, what i'm gonna to sell?
and my other fren suggest to sell things that u love @ like?
so, what i love?? i love mr.R and raina, do it count??
i love cakes, beading, books etc
or do a business that provide service and consulting to ppl...
like dobi, upah jahit, consulting, cakes...
like my friend that provide lactation consulting... suraya & pa'an
but i know that i'm not such as persuasive as they are...
or do MLM auto-downline business like mr.R...
well, he run his website for 3 years and now alhamdulillah, managed to get Rm........
or is it i'm not suitable to do business...
bcoz there might be possibility i will sell to buyer with cheap price, no profit...
huhu i know i'm sort of that person :(
Friday, May 15, 2009
raina turn to 6 months!!!
waa udah 6 bulan kamu di dunia ye anakku raina :)
and it oso means that i've exclusively breastfeed her...
me as her milk bar for 6 months, no FM, no plain water just mom's milk...
prOud! prOud!!! (clap clap raina's hand =))
and i can't deny that mom's milk has all nutrition that baby need...
breast milk is the best nourishment that mothers can give to their babies...
hopefully that i can breastfeed raina till she turns 2 y.o.
talk about 6 months, raina is NOW ready for her first solid food...
start give her last Sunday, 5-days earlier than her 6-months date...
make rice porridge and blend it until its pureed...
2 days of rice porridge and days later, mix with broccoli...
and raina really love eat it...
she will nganga her mouth and make a puzzled face...
hehehe she's done after 5-10 tbs...
and ngamok if i push her to finish her food....
currently eating twice a day, her bbsitter fatin will feed her around 10am and later in the evening by me @ mr.R...

published by karangkraf...
really good especially to new parent like us...
and it cover suitable recipe from newborn to toddler to preschooler to primary school student...
nway, sedikit selingan from my fren, harith's mom...
rela bangun 5 pagi masak bubur untuk harith...

especially to my mom, mom-in-law, sisters and all my friends that has be a mother :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
introducing solid foods
When should I introduce solid food to my baby?
You can introduce solids any time between 4 and 6 months if your baby is ready. Until then, breast milk or formula provides all the calories and nourishment your baby needs and can handle. His digestive system simply isn't ready for solids until he nears his half-birthday.
How will I know when my baby's ready?
Your baby will give you clear signs when he's ready to move beyond liquid-only nourishment. Cues to look for include:• Head control. Your baby needs to be able to keep his head in a steady, upright position.
• Losing the "extrusion reflex." To keep solid food in his mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth.
• Sitting well when supported. Even if he's not quite ready for a highchair, your baby needs to be able to sit upright to swallow well.
• Chewing motions. Your baby's mouth and tongue develop in sync with his digestive system. To start solids, he should be able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow. As he learns to swallow efficiently, you may notice less drooling. He may also be teething around the same time.
• Significant weight gain. Most babies are ready to eat solids when they've doubled their birth weight (or weigh about 15 pounds) and are at least 4 months old.
• Growing appetite. He seems hungry — even with eight to ten feedings of breast milk or formula a day.
• Curiosity about what you're eating. Your baby may begin eyeing your bowl of rice or reaching for a forkful of fettuccine as it travels from your plate to your mouth.
How should I introduce solid food?
A good rule of thumb is to start with rice cereal, which is gluten-free and less allergenic than other foods. First, nurse or bottle-feed your baby. Then give him one or two teaspoons of dry cereal mixed with enough formula or breast milk to make a semi-liquid. Use a rubber-tipped spoon when you feed your baby, to avoid injuring his gums. Start with just a small amount of cereal on the tip of the spoon.
If your baby doesn't seem very interested in eating off the spoon, let him smell and taste the cereal or wait until he warms up to the idea of eating something solid. Don't add solid food to your baby's bottle or he may not make the connection that food is to be eaten sitting up and from a spoon.
Begin with a once-a-day feeding, whenever it's convenient for you and your baby, but not at a time when your baby seems tired or cranky. Your baby may not eat much in the beginning, but give him time to get used to the experience. Some babies need practice keeping food in their mouths and swallowing.
Once he gets used to his new diet, he'll be ready for a few tablespoons of cereal a day. As the amount he eats increases, gradually thicken the consistency of the cereal and add another feeding.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Aku terima Nikahnya

finally i understand y mr.R is one of faithful silent blog reader
really addicted to this book, trying to finish anytime i cud even when i bf raina :)
compilation about personal experience of the author's life...
that match most of nowadays reality life...
not only that, also include the opinions and solutions when facing problems...
i love this quote(?) at the front book...
'Melihat perkahwinan sebagai medan untuk memberi, akan menjadikan kita lebih memikirkan soal PERANAN dan bukannya HAK yang tidak berkesudahan.' - Saiful Islam
most of us, parent claim their rights and their partner's responsibility and it's little and very hard to claim the other side... especially YOUNG parent, they will too dependent to their partner even for small things, such as do house chores, financial, baby cares.... and this book really make me realize and aware that both husband&wife need each other in order to make things right and perfect, plus their children, career, family, hobby and most important, their relationship (.")(",) not just query their partners y and y :)
some text from his book...
Jika mahu bercinta, jangan merancang hanya ke pelamin.
Masukkan sekali urusan lampin.
Kerana rumahtangga bukan utopia Cloud 9.
Ia adalah kombinasi suka dan duka.
Namun dalam derita tetap ada bahagia, itulah nikmat hidup berumahtangga.
Medan memberi yang paling mulia.
oso like under the title, “Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat”... some of the entry...
Saya masih ingat, perbualan dengan arwah Opah, sekitar 20 tahun lalu. Opah bukan hafizah, tetapi Opah mengajar saya mengaji sambil dia menggoreng ikan. Jika saya nakal melompat ayat, opah menegur sambil mengetuk sudip di kuali.
“Opah, kenapa masa talqin, nama orang disebut dengan bin atau binti emak?”, saya bertanya kepada Opah selepas habis semuka mengaji Quran.
“Bukan semua orang ada ayah. Takkan nak malukan si mati di depan kuburnya”, kata opah sambil membetulkan telekung putihnya.
Saya terdiam.
Hari ini saya memikirkannya kembali. Ketepikan seketika soal sunnah atau tidak bertalqin cara orang di Malaysia, tetapi saya amat tersentuh dengan jawapan opah. Apabila si mati dibahasakan di sisi pengebumiannya dengan berbin atau berbintikan ibu, terhindarlah aib si mati, jika ada. Tidak semua orang jelas bapanya, namun semua kita beribu dengan perempuan yang ada nama.
Begitulah berhalusnya masyarakat kita. Menerima beralas, menolak berlapik.
actually this is compilation of entries in his blog...
u can read them from his blog,
buy pouch sling...
she will send the pouch sling by tues @ wed...
i chose this design... blue sling in the making :)
and i just know that we can do pouch sling by ourselves...
DIY instruction @Youtube, click here very informative...
and the related videos also awesome...
DIY ring sling, how to make a sheet a sling, baby sling demo etc
really helping new parent that still in learning process to be the best!!
What is a Pouch Sling?
A pouch sling is one of the easiest type of slings to use.
The pouch sling consists of a sash of fabric which you wear on one shoulder.
The sash is doubled over on itself forming a pouch which you can just pop your baby into.
No clips, buckles, rings or tying!
Suitable for a tiny newborn or a toddler these are very versatile slings and can be used in a great variety of carrying positions.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Kalau Dahi tak Mencecah Sejadah Di Dunia...
Bersihkanlah dirimu sebelum kamu dimandikan!
Berwudhu'lah kamu sebelum kamu diwudhu'kan!
Bersolatlah kamu sebelum kamu disolatkan!
Tutuplah rambutmu sebelum rambutmu ditutupkan!
Dengan kain kafan yang serba putih!
Pada waktu itu tidak guna lagi bersedih....
Walaupun orang yang hadir itu merintih....
Selepas itu kamu akan diletak di atas lantai....
Lalu dilaksanakanlah solat Jenazah
Dengan empat kali takbir dan satu salam
Berserta Fatihah, Selawat dan doa....
Sebagai memenuhi tuntutan Fardhu Kifayah
Tapi apakah empat kali takbir itu dapat menebus....
Segala dosa meninggalkan solat sepanjang hidup?
Apakah solat Jenazah yang tanpa rukuk dan sujud....
Dapat membayar hutang rukuk dan sujudmu yang telah luput?
Sungguh tertipulah dirimu jika beranggapan demikian....
Justeru ku menyeru sekelian Muslimin dan Muslimat....
Usunglah dirimu ke tikar Solat....
Sebelum kamu diusung ke liang lahad....
Menjadi makanan cacing dan mamahan ulat!
Iringilah dirimu ke masjid....
Sebelum kamu diiringi ke Pusara!
Tangisilah dosa-dosamu di dunia....
Kerana tangisan tidak berguna lagi di alam baqa'!
Sucikanlah dirimu sebelum kamu disucikan!
Sedarlah kamu sebelum kamu disedarkan.. ..
Dengan panggilan 'Izrail yang menakutkan!
Berimanlah kamu sebelum kamu ditalkinkan!
Kerana ianya berguna untuk yang tinggal....
Bukan yang pergi!
Beristighfarlah kamu sebelum kamu diistighfarkan!
Namun ketika itu istighfar tidak menyelamatkan!
Ingatlah di mana saja kamu berada.....
Kamu tetap memijak bumi Tuhan!
Dan dibumbungi dengan langit Tuhan!
Serta menikmati rezeki Tuhan!
Justeru bila Dia menyeru,....
Sambutlah seruan-Nya Sebelum Dia....
memanggilmu buat kali yang terakhirnya!
Ingatlah kamu dahulu hanya....
setitis air mani yang tidak bererti!
Lalu menjadi segumpal darah!
Lalu menjadi seketul daging!
Lalu daging itu membaluti tulang!
Lalu jadilah kamu insan yang mempunyai erti....
Ingatlah asal usulmu yang tidak bernilai itu....
Yang kalau jatuh ke tanah Ayam tak patuk itik tak sudu!
Tapi Allah mengangkatmu ke suatu mercu....
Yang lebih agung dari malaikat!
Lahirmu bukan untuk dunia....
Tapi gunakanlah ia buat melayar bahtera akhirat!
Sambutlah seruan 'Hayya 'alas Solaah'....
Dengan penuh rela dan bersedia!
Sambutlah seruan 'Hayya 'alal Falaah'..
Jalan kemenangan akhirat dan dunia!
Ingatlah yang kekal ialah amal....
Menjadi bekal sepanjang jalan!
Menjadi teman di perjalanan. ..
Guna kembali ke pangkuan Tuhan!
Pada hari itu tiada berguna.
Harta, tahta dan putera....
Isteri, kad kredit dan kereta....
Kondominium, saham dan niaga....
Kalau dahi tak mencecah sejadah di dunia!!!