Wednesday, July 15, 2009

8 months of proud

sorry for lack of updates...
i don't have mood to update the blog plus the life ran as usual and nothing surprise or abnormal things happened...
idea banyak but in front of pc, stuck and blank huhu :)
siap upload the video of MJ's face changed heheh

melalut lak...
yesterday, raina was turned to 8 months age...
so we take her to usual check-up...
OMG raina only weighs 7 kg???
despite of her 3 x heavy meals and 1 x snack time daily, she only gained a little...
i know that she will not weighed more than 10 kg bcoz of her small size compared to other babies at nursery but only gained 500 gm for 2 months???
or is it means that i've to increase raina's food...
or maybe bcoz raina is too active? ke sana laa ke sini laa...
anyway, mr.R give advice to raina, "jangan aktif sangat ye raina"
how come raina will listen??? :P

to my dear daughter...

8 months of pride and proud...
8 months of sweat and tears...
8 months of chuckle and giggle...
8 months of laugh and smile...
8 months of breastfeeding...
8 months of exhausted and happiness...

2-days age...

the learning process goes on...

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