let see what she's able and like to...
raina definitely not picky-eaters (like her mama! :)...
will eat and drink anything i feed her, and never luah it...
already eat spageti (not only spageti, with sauce also), kueyteow, meehoon (fried @ soup), meatball, cake, muffin, all types of bread, all types of rice, raisin, all types of fruit, vege, bubur durian, tempoyak (sikit je!), chicken (ayam percik pun dah!), lamb (kambing panggang), meat, fish, prawn, cuttlefish... ooo u named it...
and of course i will observe her improvement, aware of any allergic or rash...
she must has a bowl and half of porridge (rice+soup or meehoon or kueyteow) or 2 slices of bread cicah with cocoa drink for dinner...
if not, she will wakes up in the middle night looking hungry...
ooo and she clever enough to drink straight from her cup @ our glass, no more sippy cup and bottle!
one more thing, she's still on learning process to feeds herself...
she stares at piece of biscuit or cut fruit, dunno to insert into her mouth heheh
when i give her bowl with porridge inside and spoon, she's just scatter it away...
raina's very very sweet little girl...
really melt my heart, this little girl...
she is happy little girl, not scare of people...
let see, when i forgot to bring hp at mall when i bfeed her at nursing room, she doesn't mind at all when i asked an indian cleaner to hold her while i ring mr.R with public phone...
when we're searching for new handphone or shoes, she plays with the salesman or salesgirl...
or has a what-that-guy-do face whenever anyone passing her...
she likes to smiles, esp ppl in the lift......
at one time, i wonder who is raina's smile at... u guess???
insya Allah she will grow-up as friendly (and extrovert!) person...
she knows how to wave goodbye...
sometimes she will said tata while her hand like cak cekak udang gamit...
like to play boo boo chakk since 5-months old...
playing kejar2 with me & mr.R till we get exhausted...
and when mr.R say, kejar die kejar die, if raina near me, she will merangkak cepat2 to me and menyondol2 her head to my stomach, and not-forgetting giggled enuff till pecah anak tekak...
same goes to when i say, kejar kejar die, such a cute darl...
she likes to dance whenever she hears nursery ryhmes or any song or zikr, nasyid...
anything that have rythm and beat including hiphop and rock...
she will sway and rock her body tho and fro while her hand moves like sumazau dance...
and she will do anytime, anywhere even in the car when i turn on radio...
OMG, so cute!!
not forget, when i whisper to her ear, she will half-smile...
geli ye mama buat...
and of course, everyone esp my sis will do that to her, talk to her anything heheh
sometimes, i will whisper, assalamualaikum, ape anak mama yg comel ni buat? or just say, anak mama, raina budak yg baik, dengar cakap org tua, tak tinggal solat, nanti dah besar jadi budak yang bijak, baik ye sayang...
and she will nod her head and smile again...
when mr.R works night shift, i will whisper to her and say, raina, abah kerja malam ni... raina tidur ye, jgn bangun tgh2 malam, nanti mama penat nak kerja esok...
and she will sleep tight till subuh or till mr.R back home the next morning...
and if she woke up in the middle of night, she will play and sleep again by herself...
she kacau me if she want her milk only...
and she knows, if abah around, she will wake up and sleep same time with her abah...
sometimes, she jeling or stare at someone...
my sis say, sebijik mcm k.we when i'm annoyed with someone hahahah
so comel...
she knows me!!
i always going downstairs (my office at level6 and nursery at lobby) at 10am and lunch hour for bfeeding time...
i've to lari2 when the clock struck 2pm as she will cry, want to follow me...
but sometimes, when she busy playing around and not see me walk through the door, i will a bit sad, aiyook this little girl not bother mama's not around :p
and one more thing, she is beralah type...
when another baby grab toys from her hand, she tengok aje...
sometimes she will try grab it back, but when they don't give to her, she walks away...
ala mainan kt rumah raina pun banyak kan...
same goes to her bantal peluk...
if i hold her pillow, and said, sayang bantal raina...
she try take it and if i don't give it to her, she will let it go...
no intention to grab it back...
her favorite place absolutely under pc table when we're online...
or when we're having dinner at dining table, tickles our toes or just pull herself to our knees...
and also examine any missing part under this small table...
i tot her favorite place is balcony, but when i gave her full freedom at balcony for a day and now, there is no interest at balcony...
she likes to play with anything...
marker, hanger, pen, key-chain, tupperware, cup, book, box etc and the most favorite are cables & charger, is that means future engineer???hohoh or u study engineer but ur job is do promotional paper? (kan nida kan? heheh)...
not to mention, keys and all the muzical and bling2 things...
save mama's money not buy toys for you heheh but abah always bising bcoz mama can't stop buying toys for u!
she likes to play with selipar, especially my strawberry-shape indoor selipar for kitchen use and my orange selipar at balcony...
she will observes it very detail...
and when i ready to pray and spread out sajadah, she will come over really fast and hampar her body on sajadah, ala2 sujud ke?usually i've to use 2 sajadah, two for her and one for me heheh
is it means that raina want to pray also with mama?
ok, mama will sew telkung for u dear :)
i'm not worried raina still not walk yet, still meniti at sofa or baby cot @ nursery...
compared to other mothers who have same age or younger baby than raina, that can walk always asked, raina dah pandai jalan lom?
sometimes it makes me furious of people who keeps asking...
OMG please give her time, she's small enough to force her to walk...
unless she's one year and half, that's the exact time i should worried...
aiyaa, does walk earlier indicate smarter brain?
last week, she's just surprised us when suddenly she's on sofa...
mr.R put her back on floor and taraa...
she can climb herself up to sofa...
ooo it means that we have to double triple more careful about her!!!and yesterday, mr.R had reflexology class and i left alone with raina...
i was watching television when raina went to our master bedroom calling her abah, hoping that her abah was sleeping at that room...
and it turned that her abah not there, she's alone in the room...
and when she wakes up @ 11pm, thought she will come to me, has her hug as usual, as i sleep next to her...
instead she went to her abah, and wakes him up (tepuk2 lengan mr.R) ask to play with her...
she's already missing her abah...
alhamdulillah, i've been a mother to my precious raina almost a year...
how's fast time flies and i'm sure that i'll miss this time :)not forget tho, i already have 4 little buds to help me chew anything mama feed me ;)
ooo oooh i'm still proud having mama's milk for a year and i'm such a nice girl, never gigit2 when i've my milk heheh
rindunya dgn cik na n cik han. k.jar lupa nk bw feeder cup neen ke hong kong,dah la feeder cup kat sini mahal gila huhuhu sedeh den.kena ajar dia manually nmpaknya.den baru habis xm tadi, praktical xm, neen ada water bag bwh mata, sbb dia ikut baca buku skali bila moomy dia baca.
hepi anniversary to me n abg long today!! huhuhu
hepi aniversary mommy haneen. teringat lagi gi lawat raina, tak tau pulak haneen ada kat bilik sebelah!
haneen, birtday tahun ni boleh mintak mommy bawak gi disneyland! :)
so kiut la raina ni.
bile mau jmpe lg ni ek?
k.jar -
happy anniversary! wat ape sambut anniversary... pi laa disneyland mcm kak seri cakap, waahh samelaa ngan maksu nan die, dah pi disneyland HK!
k.seri -
birthday iman pi disneyland ke? waa best! best!
ayu -
a'ar ayu, bile mau jumpa ye? wat makan2 ajaklaa kitorg skali heheh
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